Add support for SYNC Network NFT Cryptobonds
Fatima K.
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Sự điên rồ của crypto và thế giới mới với blokchain
Hà quang huy
SYNC Network NFT Cryptobonds là như vậy.
Fatima K.
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Tran Quang Huy
The CryptoBonds already show up, but please pull their values from the SYNC token API
SYNC Powered Cryptobonds
Lots of votes here - any progress on this?
Unchained Ninja
Bond me baby one more time
SYNC Powered Cryptobonds
Looking forward to getting this onboard soon
DrMohammad Mohsin
Its Its amazing add please
Sync is a really interesting project and I hope it will succeed. In fact it can/will help the whole space
Nicolas Peiro
Support Sync ... Don't miss this chance ;)
Best NFT project out!
Yes Sync is great please add.
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