A gamified HODL protocol that helps you invest crypto like Warren Buffett 😜
Neverlose.money is a lock-up smart contract that enables users to lock-up their long-term cryto assets and earn bonus whenever some users withdraw their funds within the lock-up period. This contract works as below:
  1. People can lock-up their Bitcoin (WBTC), Ether (WETH), or HUNT asset with a set target period from 3 months to a maximum of 10 years.
  2. While the user continues the lock-up, he/she will get a bonus based on the effective share whenever some users fail to continue and withdraw their funds within the set lock-up period.
  3. They can withdraw their fund anytime they want, but they will get charged a 10% penalty + 3% treasury fund if they break and withdraw the fund WITHIN the set lock-up period.
  4. The 10% penalty will be spread to the other active assets as a bonus
Also, users earn WRN, a governance token of the Neverlose.money platform. WRN tokens are distributed to those who have active lock-up assets proportional to each effective asset value.