eRSDL - UnFederalReserve B2B DeFi/CeFi
Ryan Medlin
Hi Zapper Team! We would like to introduce you to the eRSDL token from unFederalReserve. B2B Lending for DeFi (and most importantly with a clear bridge to the CeFi world) The firm’s project is moving along well, and the eRSDL token now has over 1,000 wallet addresses. We would love to start seeing eRSDL on our dashboards. Thank you in advance! Link here:
Matt Mosher
Howard Krieger
Thank you to everyone that participated in the voting. The comments have been captured and any bits of knowledge that can be gleaned from the feedback will be processed in due course.
Matt Mosher
Howard Krieger: is there a timeline for this token/staking to be added to dashboard?
Howard Krieger
Matt Mosher: I hadn't heard, but was interested. Is there a way to hit up a mod for Zapper and check the status?
Matt Mosher
zes: is there a timeline for this token/staking to be added to dashboard?
Tyler Turriff
Great project and a great investment as a long term hodler.
Great project with legit team.
Princess Chinaza
A very good project. Doing greatly in recent days even this morning. Good job guys
Jose Benito Donada
A good project, just found out last week, I'm liking what I saw, CEO look knowledgeable with the right experience, already invested and definitely a must look.
Maya Annisa
This one super legit guys, you will never regret it
Chandrakant Prabhu
B2B Lending capabilities make this a unique proposition and a win win for this token.
Nwani Promise
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