We would like to request support for our xMark token on Zapper. The Benchmark Protocol now has over 4500 users across Eth, BSC, and Matic.
xMARK is listed on PancakeSwap and has 2 Farmable LP pools:
We also have a single asset staking pool on pancake just for xMARK found under here:
Additionally, xMark has been listed on Quickswap- xMARK - QUICK
LP Link:
Contract: Matic/Polygon xMark address: 0xf153eff70dc0bf3b085134928daeea248d9b30d0
Further xMARK is a derivative of MARK (you have $MARK token listed on your site) which means users can stake mark to acquire xMARK and vice versa (on Ethereum chain) wondering if you can include support for this:
Our Staking interface:
xMARK Contract Address:
Find us here:
For further questions regarding this inquiry please contact:
TG @Esteban_Benchmark