Pickle platform not displayed
Minho Lee
When I visit app.pickle.finance/jars, it shows that my asset(alcx/eth slp) is still there, but it doesn't show in Zapper. Could you please fix it?
Fatima K.
Hi there, if you are experiencing problems, please join our Discord channel or open a detailed support ticket with Zendesk. We will require your public wallet address, screenshots of the issue and any details in order to assist you properly!
Gianluca Torromeo
Same for me, it's been a couple of days that my pickle jars don't show up anymore on the dashboard.
Jeff Bradley
My pickle jars just disappeared today - they had been displaying correctly prior to that. Verified all is well at pickle.finance.
Unlimited Power
Seems all the new farms do not show.
pSlpCvxEth 0x62e558cda4619e31af8c84cd8f345fa474afe1b9
pLQTY 0xA7BC844a76e727Ec5250f3849148c21F4b43CeEA
pSADDLED4 0x08cb0a0ba8e4f143e4e6f7bed65e02b6dfb9a16c
pSADDLEALETH 0x042650a573f3d62d91C36E08045d7d0fd9E63759
pABRAMIMETH 0x801BD61c272e8Ded8700736048422AFd63cF2346
pABRASPELLETH 0xF7eECA3C5B0A01D051690E0cF082AE5006c7e073
pABRAMIM3CRV 0xE58f2F41D586803615fAdfc423a41c148fd1D949
pUNIFOXETH 0x58675Af6001e8785e69CE82746a74a37f824EBAE
pSUSHITRUETH 0x9fec5e5d75274f8cfa4261f8e97138920e142470
Hassle Free
Having the same problem as of today.
William Bosch
same issue. farms arent loading for me on pickle.fi currently. hopefully this gets resolved soon. sweaty palms here atm...
This doesn't work. My farms on pickle.finance are not showing in zapper's balance.
Also, new pickle farms on Polygon aren't showing up either.
Rishi Psn
mine isnt showing either. Did anyone get an update on this?
Fatima K.
Merged in a post:
Pickle Farm positions not displaying
As of today, my positions are no longer displaying in Zapper.
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