Toggling the view modes
under review
Sam | Zapper
under review
Sam | Zapper
Hey, thanks for the feedback. Claimable and debts are still aggregated, its just been moved right below your net worth. Those are clickable, and show the aggregated view. Let me know if that makes sense and helps
Alexander Yanushkin
Just to clarify - the previous interface was Wallet/Deposit/Claimable sections and then Apps list and assets. Now the Deposit/Claimable are all under the Apps sections, divided. so gathering all the details an the assets (which was relatively fast as all the data was inside a single box) is now rather slow for every section and every token must be clicked through to get the data.
The best option (in my opinion) would be allowing the users to select blocks displayed and allowing for the same tokens to show as separate lines or as a sum (like if you have like 10 sushiswap stakes and each generates SUSHI revenue there should be an option of either seeing the total claimable rewards or separate lines for each asset).