Keep and NuCypher merger resulted in Threshold Network with Ticker 'T'
Contract Verified on etherscan by council
Coingecko and coinmarketcap APIs will be updated to include Threshold soon.
Key Details
T token contract address: 0xCdF7028ceAB81fA0C6971208e83fa7872994beE5
NU<>T vending machine contract address: 0x1CCA7E410eE41739792eA0A24e00349Dd247680e
KEEP<>T vending machine contract address: 0xE47c80e8c23f6B4A1aE41c34837a0599D5D16bb0
NU conversion factor: ~3.26T
KEEP conversion factor: ~4.78T
NU token contract: 0x4fE83213D56308330EC302a8BD641f1d0113A4Cc
KEEP token contract: 0x85eee30c52b0b379b046fb0f85f4f3dc3009afec
Threshold Council multisig: 0x9F6e831c8F8939DC0C830C6e492e7cEf4f9C2F5f
T Supply Details
10B initial supply
4.5B allocated to NU holders
4.5B allocated to KEEP holders
1B allocated to Threshold DAO